Informed Practitioner Training

A Pathway To Purpose Through The Lens of Human Design & Astrology & Psychic Development

You are here. Where do you want to go?

Are you ready to become the tour guide of your life and those who seek your guidance?

Before you know where you’re going, you need to know where you are. Learn how to use Human Design, Astrology, and Divine Talents to identify where you are on numerous levels and dimensions of your life, and your direction will naturally reveal itself. Throughout this process, you become a guide that people look to. In order to help them along their journey.

Informed Practitioner Training is a training program for psychics, healers, therapists, life coaches, business strategists, consultants, and service providers who want to use Human Design & Astrology & Psychic Development to help their clients transform and heal.


The Theory

You’ll learn The Pathways System. Covering Human Design Theory, Astrology Theory, and Spiritual Development Basics & Principles.


The Embodiment

You’ll be breaking down Human Design, Astrology, and Spiritual Self Development in Real Life. To truly understand these tools, you must embody and integrate what you learn.


The Journey

You’ll explore what I call The Mystical Map. You’ll learn a system to guide your clients in the most effective way to assist them on their journey.


The Craft

You’ll craft a plan on how you will use these tools in your business. We’ll work together to create offers and marketing that works with your business.


Human Design

You’ll learn aura types, profiles, definition, gates, channels & centers, planets, and other essential information about the system.



You’ll learn about the zodiac, planets, and transits that enhance and can affect you and your clients on your journey.


Psychic Development

You’ll learn about your divine talents and how to strengthen your talents to tap into your clients and assist them with their healing.


Spiritual Alignment

You’ll learn how to align your mind, body, and soul to clear energic blocks, address trauma, and make room for the abundance you desire in this lifetime.


Tools IRL

You’ll learn what Human Design, Astrology, and Psychic Development look like in real life.


Case Studies

You’ll learn exercises to strengthen your skills and the way you see these systems and case studies that empower you to embody this work even further.



You’ll learn practices on how to run a spiritual business through a trauma-informed lens.


The Mystical Map

You’ll learn a system to guide your clients in the most effective way to assist them on their healing journey.


Make It Your Own

Knowing this information is exciting, but synthesizing it into your life and business means everything. We’ll create a plan on how this information shows up best for your business.


Create Aligned Offers

We’ll work together to craft aligned offers that make sense for your business. You will learn how to market these offers through your highest self.



In the last two weeks of your training, you will be required to do 2-3 sessions monitored by me. This is intended to provide feedback and guidance on how you can make your sessions the most effective for you and your clients.


Informed Practitioner Certified

Not only will you be listed on my website as an Informed Practitioner you will also have the opportunity to teach within the school I’m building in 2023. You will be part of a network of like-minded practitioners that set the standard for spiritual self-development using tools and modalities to enhance your community.


A Toolkit

At the beginning of your journey, you’ll receive a toolkit of my favorite books and tools that I’ve used along my journey that has helped me tremendously.


Lifetime access

You’ll receive lifetime access to all recordings. And since you are going to be part of the beta round you get access to every version of this training going forward.

Informed Practitioner Training is for you if…


✲ You are a coach, entrepreneur, freelancer, consultant, therapist, healer, or corporate maven who wants to incorporate Human Design, Astrology, and Spiritual Self Development into your existing business

✲ You are starting your spiritual business, and you want to have a framework to build on

✲ You want to learn more about yourself and help clients along the way

✲ You want the support of a community while you grow both professionally and personally

✲ You are ready to live your most aligned magical life

Transformative Experiences:

What Our Informed Practitioners Say

My Human Design Story

Astrology has always been my first love. As a spiritual guide and teacher who has always been tapped into her talents at a very young age. I didn’t think there would be anything else that could expand my mind. I was wrong, and then Human Design found me at I time when I was at a major crossroads in my life. I had just completed my M.B.A. in Marketing and became a certified Life Coach, and I was lost. I just moved to a new state and got laid off from what I thought was an amazing company.

When I discovered I was a Projector, my whole world turned upside down. I was angry and confused and I had no one who I related to who could help me understand what I was learning. So I had to do what I’ve always done. Study it, implement it, and make it my own. As I went on my journey I knew that these tools could help me help others. So naturally, I incorporated it into my work.

This is why I am so passionate about this work and I’ve seen first-hand how it not only changed my life but has changed the lives of others.

I invite you to join me as we take this journey together.

  • Informed Practitioner Training - One Time Payment

    You will receive access to the Informed Practitioner curriculum immediately for a one-time payment of $7500.

  • Informed Practitioner Training - 3 Month Payment Plan

    You will receive access to the Informed Practitioner curriculum immediately for three payments of $2500.

  • Informed Practitioner Training - 16 Month Payment Plan

    You will receive access to the Informed Practitioner curriculum immediately for 16 payments of $475.


“How long are the live sessions?”

The live sessions are 1 hour to 1.5 hours long.

“Will I have access to replays?”

Yes. You will have lifetime access to all replays. Since you will be part of the beta cohort you will have access to all versions of the training as they improve as well.

"Is this a certification and what happens after I complete the training?"

Once you complete the training, you will be able to call yourself an Informed Practitioner. Yes, you will be certified through me and my methodologies. However, that word has origins in gatekeeping that I don’t want my practitioners to embody. The reason why I prefer practitioners is that even after learning this information; you will be in practice as you will ever evolve as a soul having a human experience. And so will the work you do on this planet.

"Will there be a fee to remain a practitioner?"

Yes, there will be a fee to remain a practitioner starting in 2024. Because you will be a part of the first cohort and because we end our training in December of 2022, you will receive a complimentary year without paying to upkeep your status. If you would like to continue to use the framework and be a part of the network of practitioners the fee will be $500 for the year billed monthly starting January 1st, 2024. That comes out to $42 a month.

"How do I know this is right for me?"

Only you will know if this is right for you. I am committed to teaching you everything I know. I have invested years, time, and money in so many training programs over the last 15 years. I know what it's like to feel like you might miss out, but you have to do what feels right for you.

"Will I have to sign an NDA and/or contract?"

Yes, you will be required to sign an NDA and contract that give you the permission to use these methods that I’ve created in your business but doesn’t give you permission to claim as your own concept of framework.

“What’s the refund policy?”

Due to the nature of this offer, there are no refunds.